Fellowship in Quality Improvement from Member of Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MRCEM)

Scholarship 08 Sep 2018 2200

Member of Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MRCEM)

APPLICATION CALL FOR THE DEGREES OF MRCEM (Member of Royal College of Emergency Medicine) FQim (Fellowship in Quality Improvement)

Hybrid International Emergency Medicine HI ENCrnsning


HIEM is the first collaborative international Emergency Medicine (EM) training developed in the UK. HIEM trainees will go through 4 years of training (1st and 4th year training in Nepal and 2nd and 3rd year training in the UK).

Trainees will follow Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) curriculum and Fellowship in Quality improvement (FQim) modules as part of the training. At the end of the training process, trainees will appear for Member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine MRCEM exam and will receive two qualifications (MRCEM and FQim). The degree of MRCEM will be awarded by Royal College of Emergency Medicine. The degree of FQim will be awarded by the International Academy of Medical Leadership (IAML). HIEM training is recognized by Nepal Medical Council (NMC) and RCEM-UK. The trainees on successful completion of the process will be able to work as specialists in Nepal

The candidates will be designated as International Training Registrar (ITR), after selection in the HIEM training Trainees will be recruited through Quality improvement Medical Education Training centres (QiMET) worldwide In Nepal, Chitwan Medical College (CMC) has been recognized as QiMET centre. Trainees will come to the UK for

training through Medical Training Initiative (MTI) national scheme. The MTI scheme is designed to allow a small number of doctors to enter the UK from overseas for a maximum of 24 months so that they can benefit from training and development in NHS services before returning to their home countries as a specialist. In this training pathway, trainees do not need to sit the PLAB exam.


A. Eligibility criteria of HIEM entrance exam: MBBS degree with one-year internship registered in Nepal Medical Council.

B. Eligibility criteria of applying MTI application to continue HIEM UK training (2nd year and 3rd year training):

  1. Have completed at least 3 years postgraduate experience, including an internship; selected candidates who have completed the only internship should work for one year as Medical Officer in the Emergency Department of CMC and then they can continue into the first year of HIEM Training at CMC, thus completing three years of post-graduate experience.
  2. Be certified in at least one life support course - ALS (or RCEM recognized Equivalence).
  3. Have achieved a minimum score of 7.0 in each section (speaking, listening, reading and writing) of the academic module of the IELTS and an overall minimum score of 7.5. The test should have been taken within the last 2 years.


Have achieved a grade of at least 'B' in each testing area (speaking, listening, reading and writing) of the Occupational English Test (OET)-medicine version. The test should have been taken within the last 2 years. If the candidate fails to clear IELTS or OET - medicine version, the candidate will undertake all four years of HIEM Training at Chitwan Medical College

  1. Have an institutional sponsor specifying the post they will return to Chitwan Medical College.


26TH September 2018:

  • MCQ- 100 MCQ true or false questions (from Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine)
  • Selected first sixteen candidates will appear for OSCE

27th and 28th September 2018 (Only for selected candidates):

  • English test (Only for selected candidates)- 500 words essay
  • OSCE 4 stations -
  • Clinical Questions
  • Practical OSCE
  • Leadership and management
  • General Questions

Exam venue: QiMET Centre, Chitwan Medical College, Chitwan, Nepal

Application charge: 2500 NPR

Application Form: Please log in to:     http://www.cmc edu.np/admission/hrem/form.php

Application submission deadline: 20 Sept 2018


At the end of training, trainees to travel to India to give their MRCEM exam as completion of this training.


Admission fee: 1 lakh NPR

Tuition fee: 22 Lakhs NPR

Deposit: 5 Lakhs NPR (refundable at the completion of HIEM Training)


  • Stipend during CMC Training (1ST and 4th Year): NPR 18,000 per month in the 1st Year and NPR 20,000 per month in the 4th Year
  • Stipend/Benefits during UK Training (2nd & 3rd year): £35,000/ annum (Nepalese Rupee 5,065,119.00) + 50% banding £17,500 (Nepalese Rupee 2,532,559.00)
  • Other funding benefits during UK Training (£3800-Nepali Rs 549,932) as follows:
  • Fellowship in Quality improvement (FQim) course fund - £2000
  • ALS, ATLS, APLS course funding support (around £1200) - portfolio funding support (£400/ year)
  • First-month accommodation free (£175)
  • Entitle to bring your immediate family (wife+ children)
  • Successful applicants can obtain full GMC registration without taking the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test.

NB: for detail, please log in http://www.cmc.edu.np/admission/hrem/courseOverview.php
