Educational Incentive Scholarship for Civil Servants' Children

Scholarship 07 Mar 2025 517

Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Secretariat of Educational Incentive Scholarship Management Committee, Very Urgent Notice Regarding Application for Educational Incentive Scholarship for Children of Civil Servants

In accordance with the approved annual program for the fiscal year 2081/82 of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, and as per the "Directive on Providing Educational Incentive Scholarship to Children of Civil Servants (First Amendment), 2079", this notice is published for the information of all concerned that children with the qualifications mentioned below of permanent civil servants currently serving in positions under the Civil Service Act, 2049, Nepal Health Service Act, 2053, and the Legislative-Parliament Secretariat Act, 2064, civil servants adjusted to provincial and local levels from government service as per the Employee Adjustment Act, 2075, and officials who have retired from civil service positions after completing the pension-eligible period or those appointed to constitutional bodies or judicial positions from civil service and currently serving, may submit an online application through in the format prescribed in Annex 1 of the directive, along with the following documents and details, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of first publication of this notice, to the Secretariat of Educational Incentive Scholarship Management Committee, Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, Singha Durbar.


1. Qualifications required for Educational Incentive Scholarship:

(a) Passed grade 12 or equivalent examination with a minimum GPA of 2.4 or more than fifty percent marks,

(b) Enrolled in a first year or first semester or second semester of bachelor's degree or equivalent level at a domestic university or its constituent or affiliated educational institution, or taking the final examination (excluding practical examinations) of the first year or second semester of a bachelor's degree or equivalent by the last date of application,

(c) Not completed twenty-five years of age,

(d) Not permanently appointed to a position in civil service, Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepal or Government of Nepal, Provincial Government or Local Level, or other public services.

2. The following documents' scanned copies of originals must be uploaded with the application:

(a) Citizenship certificate (also migration certificate if current permanent address is different),

(b) Educational certificates of SLC/SEE and 10+2 (mark sheets/transcripts and character certificates), 

(c) Recommendation letter from the parent employee's office (as per the format available at and pension authorization letter or retirement letter in case of retired employees,

(d) If higher secondary education or equivalent examination is passed from a community or government higher secondary school, a recommendation letter from the National Examination Board or its office or concerned local level or Education Development and Coordination Unit certifying that the educational institution is community or government-owned,

(e) Recommendation letter from the current educational institution (college/campus) (as per the format available at, admission receipt and fee structure,

(f) In case of children of employees who died in the line of duty, a certified letter from the concerned District Administration Office or government document verifying the incident, 

(g) Documents certifying inclusion,

(h) Relationship certificate if the relationship between the parent employee and student child cannot be established from the citizenship certificate,

(i) Copy of identity card in case of current employees,

(j) Recent passport-sized photographs of the parent employee and the studying child.

3. If false information is found to have been submitted to obtain the educational incentive scholarship, legal action will be taken.

4. While providing educational incentive scholarships to children of civil servants, the academic faculty, number, and amount to be provided based on applications received as per Section 11 of the directive and the inclusive quota as per Section 6 will be determined.

5. Matters not mentioned in this notice shall be as per the prevailing law and approved directive.

For additional information:

Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration Employee Welfare Section Singha Durbar, Kathmandu

Phone: 4200309, Email: [email protected], websites and

First Published Date: 2081/11/23

Educational Incentive Scholarship for Civil Servants Children

Scholarship in Nepal Notice

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