CTEVT Karnali Diploma Level Free Classified Scholarship Result 2081
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Karnali Province Office, Birendranagar, Surkhet Urgent Notice Regarding the Publication of Entrance Exam Results for Classified (Free) Scholarship Programs at Diploma Level
The Office of the Controller of Examinations, CTEVT, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, published a notice on 2081/03/15, announcing the entrance examination for classified (free) scholarship programs at the diploma level, which was conducted on 2081/04/12. The exam took place at designated exam centers from 8:00 AM. The results have been published following the guidelines of the "Diploma Level Entrance Exam Operation, Scholarship Distribution, and Admission Directive 2081."
Based on the combined scores of the written exam and the marks allocated for SLC/SEE educational certificates, as per the approval for the respective program categories and quotas, the final list of main candidates has been published on 2081/04/27. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Candidates selected as main candidates for admission are requested to proceed for admission to the designated educational institution by 2081/05/05 during office hours. They are required to bring their admission letter, a copy of the result, educational qualification certificates, citizenship or birth certificate, original certificates of the selected targeted group, and photographs.
The concerned educational institutions are requested to ensure that the original certificates and documents submitted by the candidates are verified by the institution's principal before completing the admission process, in accordance with the admission directive and this notice.
Furthermore, if the selected candidates do not enroll in the designated programs by the specified deadline, they must mandatorily inform the Karnali Province Office of the Council in writing at [email protected] within 3 days, as per Clause 27(b) of the Admission Directive. Detailed results can also be viewed on www.ctevtexam.org.np and www.ctevtkarnali.org.np.
- AG (Animal Science)
- AG (Plant Science)
- Ayurved HA
- Civil
- Computer
- Forestry
- General Medicine
- Geomatics
- IT
- Pharmacy
Download or View Result.PDF
AG(Animal Science) Final Results.pdf
AG(PLANT Science) Final Results.pdf
General Medicine Final Results.pdf
(Notice Published Date: 2081/04/28)
CTEVT CTEVT Scholarship Karnali Pradesh