BSc Agriculture Scholarship Merit List of Agriculture and Forestry University - MoEST

Scholarship 30 Aug 2021 8861

BSc Agriculture Scholarship Merit List of Agriculture and Forestry University

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Scholarship Branch, Keshar Mahal, Kathmandu Urgent notice regarding the publication of Ministry's qualification list of candidates who have applied for free study (scholarship) in BSc Agriculture subject in the college under the Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur.

According to the letter received from the Technical Education Branch of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Government of Nepal are affiliated to the colleges affiliated to Agriculture and Forest University Rampur (Ramnagar Technical and Management College, Sunwal-Bhumahi, Nawalparasi, Jivika Krishi Vigyan Campus, Itahari 1 Sunsari, Valley Agriculture Campus, Godavari 11). Lalitpur, Bright Midwest Kripi and Forest Science Campus, Virendranagar, Surkhet, Gorkha Polytechnic College and Research Center, Baijnath-4, Banke and Eastern Agriculture Campus, Gauradaha, Jhapa.

As per the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology dated 2078-4-26 as per the Scholarship Rules 2060; The list of candidates received within the date and time as mentioned in the notice has been published as per the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on Bhadra 4, 2078 BS. and

If someone's name is omitted due to technical reasons, the application could not be received within the stipulated time; It is learned that a notice has been published on the website of the Ministry informing to send the application and necessary documents by Bhadra 8, 2078 BS along with technical facts.

Following the information, the following list of qualifications of the general and reservation group of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology has been published as per the decision of the Ministry. If the name and qualification of any candidate in the published merit list have gone up or down due to technical reasons, the claim can be made through [email protected] by 15th Bhadra, 2078 BS.

Before submitting the claimed application, the concerned candidate is requested to send his / her phone contact number only if necessary after looking at the roll number and qualification list of the concerned university. The pre-nomination will be done on the basis of this published qualification list (if there is any technical error, it will be amended).

MOEST Merit list based on AFU Entrance Exam Merit List 2077 for BSc Agriculture, Scholarship purpose in the academic year 2077/078 BS
Published date: 2078-05-13

Scholarship in Nepal

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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