Bagmati Govt Announces Scholarship for Class 11 Community Schools Info
Bagmati Province Government, Ministry of Social Development, Directorate of Education Development, Hetaunda, Nepal Information regarding educational scholarships for students studying in Class 11 or its equivalent in community secondary schools/colleges
According to the Scholarship Directive, 2080 approved by the Bagmati Province Government, in community schools/colleges, for students studying in Class 11 or its equivalent in subjects such as Agriculture, Veterinary, Surveying, Civil Engineering or Forest Science in the first year/first semester, among the students from Dalit, minority, marginalized and endangered castes within Bagmati Province, as well as those from economically disadvantaged families and families of injured democracy activists, a program has been established to provide one student from each local level of Bagmati Province with a scholarship equivalent to the enrollment fee and tuition fee. Therefore, this information has been published for the relevant students.
It has been published that within 30 days, with the required documents, an application must be submitted to the respective local level in the format of Schedule 1 of the Scholarship Directive, 2080.
It is requested that all concerned refer to the detailed information regarding the required documents and the Scholarship Directive, 2080 on the website of this Directorate, edd.bagamati.gov.np.
It is requested that the respective local levels evaluate the received applications according to Schedule 3 of the Scholarship Directive, 2080, select one student, and forward the recommendation to this Directorate by Chait 15.
First publication date of the information: 2081/11/01