Bagmati Govt Higher Education Scholarship for Community Campus Students

Scholarship 13 Feb 2025 1160

Scholarship Update

Bagmati Govt Higher Education Scholarship for Community Campus Students

Bagmati Province Government, Ministry of Social Development, Directorate of Education Development, Hetaunda, NepalĀ  information regarding educational scholarships for students pursuing higher education

According to the Scholarship Directive, 2080, a program has been established to provide, on a one-time basis, scholarships of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 15,000, respectively, to students studying in the first year or first semester at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Therefore, students with a permanent address in Bagmati Province who are studying at community campuses in Bagmati Province in the first year/semester of the undergraduate and postgraduate levels are hereby notified that within 30 days from the publication of this information, they must apply in the format of Schedule 1 of the Scholarship Directive, 2080 along with the documents listed below to either the email [email protected] or by applying to the Directorate of Education Development, Bagmati Province, Hetaunda.

It is requested that all concerned review the website for the list of required documents and further details regarding the Scholarship Directive, 2080.

The required documents to be submitted as per Clause 8 of Article 3 of the Scholarship Directive, 2080 are: a) Proof of permanent residency in Bagmati Province.

b) Certificates of educational qualifications at all levels and a copy of the marksheet

c) A recommendation letter from the relevant local level confirming that the school/college/campus from which the student has studied and passed is a community institution

d) A recommendation letter from the respective school/college/campus

e) A recommendation letter from the relevant authority if the student belongs to a Dalit, minority, marginalized, or endangered caste, or is from a disadvantaged area

f) A recommendation letter from the concerned District Administration Office regarding the student being a victim of conflict, martyr, injured, or from an injured family

First publication date of this information: 2081/11/01

Bagmati Govt Higher Education Scholarship for Community Campus Students

Scholarship in Nepal

Bagmati Pradesh, Hetauda

Hetauda, Makwanpur

Estd. 2017



Services Offered
