75 percent MBBS Scholarship in Nepalese Army Institute of Health Science

Scholarship 06 Aug 2021 4702

As soon as the Government of Nepal amended the Medical Education Regulations, 75 percent of the students enrolled in the college run by the Nepalese Army Institute of Health Science (NAIHS - Army Medical College) will get scholarships. The regulations define a medical college run by the Nepal Army as a public educational institution. Free scholarships should be provided to 75 percent of students in public educational institutions.

Until last year, the institute had been providing scholarships to 10 percent of students like private medical colleges.

"When selecting and enrolling students at the undergraduate level of a public educational institution run under the Welfare Fund established under the Military Welfare Fund Rules 2065, 49 percent of the total seats in such educational institutions will be based on the qualifications determined by the Commission from the children of ex-servicemen and ex-servicemen." The remaining 51 percent seats will be considered as 100 percent and distributed as in other public educational institutions.

Under the institute, children of the army can now study in 49 percent of the seats and children of the general public in 51 percent of the seats. Army Medical College is enrolling 100 students for MBBS for the coming academic session. According to the regulations, the institute should now teach 40 students on free scholarships. But to be admitted, one must have passed the integrated entrance exam taken by the commission.

For those studying on behalf of the army, the commission will publish a separate qualification list. The commission published the results of the MBBS and BDS examinations for the first time at the undergraduate level. If 49 percent of the candidates fail to pass the examination as per the quota from the army, the students will be admitted by the general public.

After the promulgation of the Act in 2075 BS, 75 percent of scholarships have been given in the last academic session by the Institute of Medical Education, Tribhuvan University, Maharajgunj, and its affiliated colleges, BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Pokhara Institute of Health Sciences and Patan Institute of Health Sciences. The Karnali Institute of Health Sciences is also providing the scholarship from this academic session.

Though Kathmandu University's Dhulikhel-based Medical Sciences is a public educational institution, only 10 percent scholarship will be provided. Medical education reform engineers have been demanding that 75 percent of scholarships be maintained. There is a provision that 75 percent of scholarships should be provided by public educational institutions, 20 percent by medical colleges opened with foreign investment, and 10 percent by medical colleges run with domestic investment.

After the results of the Common Entrance Examination are published, the Commission invites applications for scholarships and college selection according to the student's qualifications.

A total of 32,868 students, including 11,213 in MBBS, 4,521 in BDS, 3,900 in BSc Nursing, and 3,400 in BNS, had appeared for the entrance examination in medical education. The results of some of the exams have been published on Thursday.

According to the results, 4,391 have passed in MBBS and 1,794 in BDS. Under the educational institutions of Nepal, 1,835 students will get admission in MBBS and 565 students in BDS in this academic session.

When the commission publishes the results, it has to separate the open, reservation, and group qualification list. Students in the top qualification from the list have the opportunity to choose a college. Students studying in community schools from classes 6 to 10 get priority in scholarships. Candidates from other schools will be selected only if there are no such students in the qualification order.

There is a provision that a student studying on a scholarship should serve at least two years in the place assigned by the government after completing his / her studies. The government will send 1/1 year to remote and accessible areas.

Scholarship in Nepal

Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences (NAIHS)

Swoyambhu, Kathmandu

Estd. 2010


