TU Published 4-Year B.Ed. II Year 2080 Exam Results

Result 18 Mar 2025 278

TU Result

Tribhuvan University, OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS, Balkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal Published Result of 4 Years B.Ed. II Year 2080

Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examinations, Balkhu, has published the result of the partial examination of the Faculty of Education, 4-Year B.Ed. Second Year 2080 (4 Yrs. B.Ed. II 2080), conducted in the month of Ashwin 2081, as per the decision of the Central Examination Conduct Committee.

The result of the said examination can be viewed on the portal of Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examinations (TU OCE) at https://tuexam.edu.np.

Although the result has been published with the intention of maintaining maximum accuracy, in case of any errors due to printing or other reasons, necessary corrections will be made based on the records of this office.

Mark Sheets: Will be distributed by the concerned campuses.

Tel: +977-4-302727

Fax: +977-1-4277585

Website: www.tuexam.edu.np

TU Published 4-Year B.Ed. II Year 2080 Exam Results

Tribhuvan University TU Result TU Notice B.Ed

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



Courses Offered
