TSC Published Promotion List of Secondary, Lower Secondary and Primary Level Teacher (Pradesh 1): Advertisement No. 9/78/79 Internal Competition (Promotion) published by the Teachers Service Commission. Since the following merit list has been established for the following districts under Province No. 1 on the basis of the score of written examination, interview, and experience as per Rule 38 of Rules 2057; The results have been published as per the decision of the commission dated 2079-03-26.
Advertisement No. published by Teacher Service Commission. 8/78/79 Internal Competition (Promotion) Primary Level, First Class, Written Examination for the post of Teacher. Candidates selected for the interview conducted on 2079-03-23. Based on the results of examinations, interviews, and experience, the following qualifications have been maintained for the following districts under Province No. 1; The results have been published as per the decision of the commission dated 2079-03-26.
Advertisement No. 7/78/79 published by the Teachers Service Commission Internal Competition (Promotion) Primary Level, Second Class, Teacher Service As per the Rule 38 of the Commission Rules, 2057, the following qualifications have been established for the following districts under Province No. 1 on the basis of written examination, interview and experience; The results have been published as per the decision of the commission dated 2079-03-26.
Candidates participating in the interview can view their results and scores by visiting the results of this Commission's website www.tsc.gov.np for 7 days from the date of publication of the results.
TSC Sifaris