TSC Primary Level Teacher Result 2081 Sudurpashchim

Result 14 Jan 2025 3235

Teachers Service Commission TSC Building

TSC Notice Regarding the Results of the Open Competitive Written Examination and Interviews

As per the decision made on 2081/09/28 and 29, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC - Shikshak Sewa Aayog), Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur, has published the results of the open competitive (general and subject-wise) written examinations for the post of Primary Level, Third Class Teachers announced under the following advertisements.

Among the candidates who participated, only the successful candidates with the following roll numbers have been selected for interviews. This information is hereby published for the notice of all concerned, including details about the interview date, time, and venue.

  • Results of the open competitive written examinations for Primary Level (Kailali, Darchula, Baitadi, Dadeldhura, and Kanchanpur) and information regarding interviews

  • Results of the open competitive written examinations for Primary Level (Bajura, Bajhang, Achham, and Doti) and information regarding interviews

Documents to be brought by candidates for the interview and other information:

1. Original documents and one set of self-attested photocopies of each document, as specified below, must be submitted in a file:

(a) Nepali Citizenship Certificate

(b) Admit Card

(c) Permanent Teaching License

(d) Transcript(s) and Character Certificate(s) of the minimum educational qualification required for the relevant subject and level. If the candidate qualifies one level higher in the same subject, a transcript of that qualification must also be presented.

(e) Equivalence Certificate, if the educational qualification was obtained from a foreign institution

(f) One recently taken passport-size photograph

(g) If the candidate is already employed as a teacher, the Temporary Appointment Letter of the relevant level

(h) Teacher Training Certificate

  1. Candidates who have continuously worked at the same level under a temporary or relief grant quota should present the original service certificate verified by the Chief of the Education Development and Coordination Unit or by the Head of the Education Section of the concerned local level.

  2. All the photocopies of original certificates, the original certificate of continuous service, and the personal details form provided by the Commission—or downloaded from the Commission’s website—must be registered and submitted together.

  3. Candidates who fail to bring the required original documents will not be allowed to appear in the interview.

  4. If it is found that a candidate attempted any personal influence (via lobbying, phone calls, or other means) with the intention of passing the interview, the Commission may cancel the candidate’s examination.

  5. The scheduled interview program will not be changed or postponed without prior notice from the Commission.

  6. If any candidate fails to meet the minimum required qualification, subject(s), full marks, or other required documents, his/her application may be canceled at any time as per Rule 26(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Regulations, 2057.

  7. Any error in the published results will be rectified by comparing them against the official records maintained by the Commission. Additional information regarding this matter can be found on the Commission’s website: www.tsc.gov.np.

  8. Suppose candidates are unsatisfied with the written examination results and wish to file for re-totaling. In that case, they may apply—along with a copy of the Admit Card—at the Commission’s office in Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur, by 2081/10/05 within office hours. A fee of NPR 250 must be deposited under the Commission’s revenue title in the account at Rastriya Banijya Bank with account number 1000200010000, office code 350213303, office name Teachers Service Commission, and revenue heading 94224.


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TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


