TSC Primary Level (Prabi) Teacher Written Exam Results (Lumbini) 2081

Result 18 Jan 2025 4369

Teachers Service Commission TSC Building

TSC Primary Level (Prabi) Teacher Written Exam Results 2081

Teacher Service Commission (TSC), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur notice regarding written exam results and interviews for Primary Level, Third Grade (Nawalparasi West, Palpa, Gulmi, Rupandehi, Banke, Kapilvastu, Rolpa, Pyuthan, Dang, and Bardiya Districts)

This is a notice from the Teacher Service Commission in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. We're announcing the results of the open competitive written exams (both general and subject-specific) for the position of Primary Level, Third Grade Teacher, which were conducted based on the advertisement numbers given below. The following candidates have passed and their roll numbers are listed in order. This was decided by the Commission on 2081/10/04. If you’ve been selected for an interview, you’ll find the location, date, and time listed below.

Documents Required for the Interview and Other Information:

  1. Candidates need to bring the following original documents, along with a self-attested copy of each one, and put everything in a file:

    • a) Nepali Citizenship Certificate

    • b) Admit Card

    • c) Permanent Teaching License

    • d) Transcripts and Character Certificates showing you meet the minimum educational requirements for the subject and level; if you have a higher qualification in the subject, bring those transcripts and certificates too.

    • e) Equivalence certificate if you got your qualifications from a foreign institution.

    • f) One recent passport-sized photo.

    • g) If you’re currently working as a teacher, your temporary appointment letter for the relevant level.

    • h) Certificates of any education-related training you’ve completed.

  2. If you’ve been working continuously as a teacher at the relevant level on a temporary or relief grant quota, you need to bring an original service verification letter. This letter needs to be certified by either the head of the relevant Education Development and Coordination Unit or the head of the Education Section at the local level.

  3. Candidates must bring copies of all their original certificates, the original service verification letter if applicable, and the completed personal details form from the Commission’s website (or a form provided by the commission), with a registration record of these documents.

  4. Candidates who don’t bring all the required original documents will not be allowed to attend the interview.

  5. If the commission finds that any candidate has tried to influence the interview process by asking for recommendations, making phone calls, or offering personal inducements, that candidate's exam may be cancelled.

  6. The scheduled interview program will not be changed or postponed without prior notice from the commission.

  7. If a candidate doesn't meet the minimum requirements for qualification, subject, marks, or has not provided the necessary documents, their application may be cancelled by the commission at any time in accordance with Rule 26(1) of the Teacher Service Commission Regulations, 2057.

  8. If any errors are found in the published results, they’ll be corrected by comparing them to the official records at the commission. You can get more info on the commission’s website: www.tsc.gov.np

If you're not satisfied with your written exam results and want a retotaling, you can apply by 2081/10/10, during office hours, at the commission’s office in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. You’ll need to pay a revenue fee of NPR 250 at the Rastriya Banijya Bank, account number: 1000200010000, office code: 350213303, office name: Teacher Service Commission, and revenue heading number: 94224. You’ll also need to submit a copy of your admit card with your application.

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.tsc.gov.np

Published Date: 2081/10/04

TSC Primary Level (Prabi) Teacher Written Exam Results (Lumbini) 2081


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TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


