TSC Lumbini Lower Secondary Teacher (NiMaVi) Final Result 2081

Result 24 Dec 2024 1464

Teachers Service Commission TSC Building

Teachers Service Commission (TSC - Shikshak Sewa Aayog) Lumbini Lower Secondary Teacher (NiMaVi) Final Result 2081

Teachers Service Commission (TSC - Shikshak Sewa Aayog) Notice regarding recommendation for the post of Lower Secondary Level (NiMaVi) Teacher of Lumbini Province in the open competitive examination for Nepali, English, Mathematics, Science, Social and Sanskrit Language subjects

Under Rule 24 (1) of the Teachers Service Commission Regulations, 2057 and the decision of this Commission dated 2081/09/08, the names of the following candidates who were successful in the written examination and interview conducted from 2081/09/01 for the post of Lower Secondary Level, Third Class, Teacher under the advertisement published by this Commission on 2080/11/02, have been recommended for permanent appointment, along with their qualifications, based on the marks obtained in the written examination and interview of the candidates who participated in the interview conducted from 2081/09/01.

Candidates who participated in the interview can check their results by visiting the "Results" section of the Commission's website, www.tsc.gov.np, for 7 (seven) days from today.

Integrated merit list for Nepali, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Sanskrit Language subjects of Lumbini Province at the lower secondary level

As per the Commission's decision dated 2081/09/08, a detailed subject-wise merit list has been prepared based on the total marks obtained by the candidates recommended for permanent appointment at the lower secondary level, third class. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.


TSC Lumbini NiMaVi Teacher Final Result 2081.PdfPDF logo icon

TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog Final Result

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


