TSC Announces Results of Lower Secondary Teacher Internal Promotion Interviews
The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) has published the results of candidates selected for appointment from the internal competitive promotion written examination for Lower Secondary level (NiMaVi), first-class teacher positions according to Advertisement No. 10/81/82. The results are based on written examination, interviews conducted on 2081/11/21 (March 5, 2025), and experience points as per Rule 38 of the Teacher Service Commission Regulations, 2057.
Candidates have been recommended for appointment in the districts of Kapilvastu, Kavre, Gorkha, Jhapa, Taplejung, Dhading, Western Nawalparasi, Panchthar, Bardiya, Banke, Baitadi, Bhaktapur, Makwanpur, Morang, Bara, Sarlahi, Solukhumbu, Syangja, and Humla.
Candidates who participated in the interview can check their scores on the TSC website, www.tsc.gov.np, under the "Results" section for up to 7 days from the date of result publication.
Result Publication Notice (Publication Date: 2081/11/21 - March 5, 2025)