Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited Published 4th Level Assistant Written Exam Result Karnali
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited Advertisement No. 76/2079-080 (Open and Inclusive) Notice regarding the publication of the written examination results for the Assistant, Administrative Service, Administration Group, Level 4, Karnali Province post.
This notice has been published to inform all concerned that the candidates with the following roll numbers and names, in alphabetical order, have passed the written examination of the Public Service Commission of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited. Please contact the concerned body for interviews and other programs.
Level: 4
Post: Assistant Service/Group: Administration/Administration
Written Examination Conducted Date: 2080/12/27 and 28th
Result Publishing Office: Public Service Commission, Central Office
Notification No. 1008/081-82
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu Date: 2081/10/30