Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Anusandhan Sahayak Written Exam Center Pokhara

Result 29 Sep 2023 2276

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Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Examination Notice: Investigation Assistant (Anusandhan Sahayak) Written Test Pokhara Exam Center

Attention aspiring candidates! The much-awaited written examination details for the Investigation Assistant (Anusandhan Sahayak) position under Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag have been officially announced. Please read below for the comprehensive information:

  • Advertisement No.: 02/079/80 (Open/Inclusive)
  • Position: Investigation Assistant (Ausandhan Sahayak)
  • Service Group: Special Service, Non-Gazetted Second Class

Exam Details:

  • Subject: General Aptitude & Ability Test
  • Method: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Date & Time: 2080 Ashoj 28, 2:00 PM
  • Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Examination Centers:

  • Janapriya Secondary School, Center (A), Simalchaur, Pokhara
  • Janapriya Secondary School, Center (B), Simalchaur, Pokhara
  • Public Service Commission Pokhara Office, Center (A), Pardi, Pokhara
  • Public Service Commission Pokhara Office, Center (B), Pardi, Pokhara

General Guidelines/Instructions:

  1. Use only a black ink pen on the answer sheet.
  2. Mandatory to bring admit card and government-issued identity card (with photo) to the exam. Arrive at least 1 hour prior.
  3. Strictly no mobile phones or electronic devices in the examination hall.
  4. Exam will not be postponed due to unexpected holidays unless notified by the Commission.
  5. Attend only the designated examination hall.

Health & Safety Guidelines (Covid-19):

  1. Adhere to all norms set by the examination (operation and management standards 2077).
  2. Wear masks at all times. Bring your sanitizer and drinking water.
  3. Ensure social distancing while entering, using the restroom, and leaving the examination center. Follow all instructions provided by the assigned personnel.
  4. Avoid grouping or engaging in discussions before and after the examination.
  5. For candidates diagnosed with Covid-19: Special examination arrangements are made at the Public Service Commission building. Please contact 9856085145 or 9862047520.

Anusandhan Sahayak Pokhara Exam Center Notice

Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu


