PSC Surkhet Written Exam Result 2081 for Computer Operator
The Public Service Commission (PSC), Surkhet Office, has published the written examination results for Advertisement No. 14863/080-81 (Open) under the Miscellaneous Service, Non-Gazetted First Class, Computer Operator position.
Notice for Selected Candidates
The written examination conducted by the PSC Surkhet Office has resulted in the following roll numbers and names being shortlisted for interviews. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.
Instructions for Selected Candidates
Shortlisted candidates must attend the interview as per the details below. Candidates are required to bring the following documents:
Two passport-sized photographs.
Original and two photocopies of all certificates.
Two completed copies of the first and second pages of the application form.
The admission card.
Candidates must report one hour before the scheduled interview time. Please note that the interview will proceed even if the date falls on a public holiday.
Examination and Interview Details
Advertisement Number: 14863/080-81 (Open)
Service and Group: Miscellaneous Service
Position: Computer Operator
Level/Category: Non-Gazetted First Class
Written Examination Date: 2081/02/04
Result Publishing Office: Public Service Commission, Central Office
Interview Venue: PSC Surkhet Office
Interview Schedule:
Date: 2081/08/16
Time: 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM (as per official notice)
Serial Number: 1–6 (all candidates)
For more details, refer to the official notification.