Nepal Telecom (NTC) Published Merit Order and Recommendations of 9th and 10th Level Officer
To fill the posts vacant in Nepal Telecommunication Company Limited (Nepal Telecom) through open, inclusive, and internal competitive written examination, the candidates who have succeeded in the written examination taken from the Public Service Commission (PSC - Lok ASewayog) by the Nepal Telecommunication Company Limited Employees Bye-laws, 2078. According to the decision, the merit list has been published for the information of all concerned, and the recruitment committee meeting has taken the decision to make recommendations for the post.
This information is also requested to be placed on the company's Website:
The successful candidates are requested to contact the Central Office of this company, Human Resources Department, for appointment by Bye-rule 30 of the Employees Bye-laws, 2078.
1) Advertisement No. : 30/2080/81 (Internal Competition)
Designation: Director/Manager (Telecom)
Level: 10
Service/Group: Technical/Telecom
Number of Posts: 1 (One)
2) Advertisement No.: 31/2080/81 (Internal Competition)
Service/Group: Administration/ accounts record
Designation: Manager (Accounts)
Number of Posts: 1
Level: 10
3) Advertisement No.: 32/2080/81 (Internal Competition)
Designation: Deputy Manager (Telecom)
Level: 9
Service/Group: Technical/Telecom
Number of Posts: 1
4) Advertisement No. : 54/2080/81 (Open & Inclusive)
Designation: Deputy Manager (Telecom)
Service/Group: Technical/Technical Telecom
Level: 9
Number of Posts: 1
Notice No. 17/081/82
Information Publication Date: 2089-09-11
Sifaris Final Result