Public Service Commission, Kathmandu Office has published the written exam results for the candidates selected for the Nepal Army advertisement no. 081/82/02 (Open/Inclusive), military position, from Shri Sher Battalion, Shridanda Barrack, Nuwakot.
A total of 116 candidates participated in the written exam conducted on 2081/12/02. Out of these, the following registration/roll numbers and names, arranged alphabetically, have been selected. This notification is published for the information of all concerned. Furthermore, the detailed health examination and interview program for the selected candidates will be conducted at Shri Sher Battalion, Shridanda Barrack, Nuwakot, as per the assigned schedule.
Service: Nepal Army
Position: Military
Written exam date: 2081/12/02
Result publishing office: Public Service Commission, Kathmandu Office
According to rule 5 (2) (7) of the Military Service Regulations, 2069, since the required number of candidates were not successful, the previously allocated 3 positions for descendants have been added to the open category. Therefore, the total number of positions for the open category is now 29, while the number of positions for descendants is set to 0.
Notice no.: 235.081-82
Date: 2081/12/11