Nepal Army Sainya Post Written Exam Result for Kalikot

Result 22 Apr 2024 11034

Nepal Army Notice

Nepal Army Notice Regarding Publication of Result of Written Examination of Sainya Post, Manma, Kalikot

Nepali Army advertisement no. 080/81/02, (Open/Inclusive) Candidates selected for written examination through physical fitness test at Shamser Gulma Manma Barracks, Kalikot out of 138 candidates appearing in the written examination conducted by this office on 25/12/2080 in alphabetical order the following registration no. , this notice is published for the information of all concerned as it has been decided to select the shortlisted candidates through written examination. Also, selected candidates are informed to contact Shamser Gulma, Manma Barracks, Kalikot for other programs.

Advertisement No.:- 080/81/02 (Open/Inclusive)

Position: Military

Body: Nepali Army

Date of Conduct of Written Examination:- 25/12/2080

Result Publishing Office - Public Service Commission, Jumla Office, Jumla.

Notice No. 32/080-81.

Date:- 2081/01/10

Nepal Army Nepal Army Result Nepal Army Sainya Kalikot Written Exam Result

Nepal Army

Bhadrakali, Kathmandu


