Notice regarding the publication of written examination result of Nepal Army Advertisement No. 081/82/02 (Open/Inclusive), Sainya post, conducted by the Public Service Commission, Kathmandu Office, for candidates selected from Shree Garuddal Gan, Charikot Dolakha.
The written examination result has been published for candidates selected for the written exam under Advertisement No. 081/82/02 (Open and Inclusive) for the Sainya post from Shree Garuddal Gan, Charikot Dolakha. A total of 72 candidates participated in the written examination conducted on 2081/12/02.
Among them, the candidates with the following registration/roll numbers and names, listed alphabetically, have been selected from the written examination. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.
Additionally, selected candidates are informed that the detailed health examination and interview program will be conducted as scheduled by Shree Garuddal Gan, Charikot Dolakha.
As per Rule 5 (2)(7) of the Military Service Regulation, 2069, due to an insufficient number of successful candidates, the quota positions for Lineage (Santati) – 3 (three), Madhesi – 4 (four), Dalit – 1 (one), and Backward Area – 1 (one) have been added to the open category. Accordingly, the total revised quota is: Open – 35 (thirty-five), Lineage – 0 (zero), Madhesi – 2 (two), Dalit – 2 (two), and Backward Area – 0 (zero).
Notice No.: 233/081-82
Date: 2081/12/08