In order to fill the vacancies in the approved posts of the Nepal Army through open and inclusive competition, advertisements were published in Gorkhapatra daily on 2078-05-16 with the participation of male and female candidates and physical examination, written examination and board interview scores conducted on different dates. Since the following candidates have passed according to the qualification order on the basis of sum; This information has been published for the information of all concerned.
Passed Candidates:
2) Advertisement No. 078/79/01
Post: Military
Required Post No.: 400 (Open-209, Children of Nepali Soldiers who have become physically disabled and died in the line of duty due to any physical injury while performing their duty or while performing their duty-11, Women-36, Adibasi / Janajati-58, Madhesi -50, Dalit-27 and Backward Areas-9)
Nepal Army Nepal Army Sainya Notice