Nepal Airlines Corporation Final Result of Airhostess Posts
Notification regarding recommended appointment to the post of Airhostess of Nepal Airlines Corporation, Human Resources Department
Advertisement No. published by Nepal Airlines Corporation dated 2080/03/31. Contract 01/079/80, for the purpose of filling up the post of Flight Attendant of Level 5, to be retained on the basis of the scores obtained in the personality test, written test and interview among the candidates who successfully participated in the stages of personality test, written test and physical and health test conducted according to the predetermined schedule. As the following candidates have been recommended for appointment by the Corporation's Vacancy Committee meeting dated 2081/02/12 according to the order of merit, the recommended candidates are requested to contact the Human Resource Department of the Corporation within 10 (ten) days from the date of publication of this notice for the purpose of obtaining the appointment letter. Notice has been published.
Advertisement No.: Contract 01/ 079/80
Post / Level : Flight Attendant / 5
Service/Group/Subgroup : Aviation / Crew / Cabin Crew
Number of Demand Posts: 30
Candidates selected for interview after passing physical and health test: 66 (sixty six)
Number of Candidates Attended Interview: 66 (Sixty Six)
Merit Order of Recommended Candidates:
Notice Published Date : 2081/02/13