Tribhuvan University Published M.Sc. Physics IV Semester-2077 Make Up Exam ResultĀ
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, Office of the Dean, Examination Branch, Balkhu, has published the results of the make-up examination for the Master's level Physics second year, fourth semester 2077 batch.
This make-up exam was conducted in Mangsir 2081 for students who failed up to two subjects in the regular exams. The results were published as per the decision of the Examination Conduct Committee of the Institute of Science and Technology. The following candidates with the listed roll numbers have passed the examination:
1. University Campus, Kirtipur
PHY 3802/077
PHY 3817/077
2. Amrit Campus, Lainchaur
PHY 3935/077
PHY 3942/077
PHY 3819/077
PHY 3839/077
PHY 3863/077
3. Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka
PHY 3952/077
PHY 3956/077
4. M.M.A.M Campus, Biratnagar
PHY 4001/077
PHY 3957/077
PHY 3969/077
PHY 3982/077
5. Birendra Multiple Campus, Bharatpur
PHY 4010/077
PHY 4012/077
PHY 4015/077
PHY 4016/077
Mark sheets will be available from the respective campuses/colleges. The results have been published with the aim of minimizing errors; however, any discrepancies due to printing or other reasons will be corrected based on the records of this office. Candidates wishing to apply for re-evaluation must do so within 20 days of the publication date of the results.