Manushi Laghubitta IPO Result Published - How to Check

Result 23 Aug 2021 47530

Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO

The IPO result of Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has been allotted (published result) on Monday, 2078 Bhadra 7 (23rd August 2021, 8:30 AM). According to IPO issue and sale manager Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited (NSMBL), a total of 368593 units of share were allotted to 36859 applicants and 98.47 percent of the total applicants (23,17,925) did not get the shares.

Manusi Laghubitta had issued 3,93,750 units of shares at a face value of Rs.100 Of that, 5,469 units of shares were reserved for the employees and 19,688 units of shares were reserved for the mutual investment funds, and the remaining 368,593 units of shares were issued to the public.

According to the latest figures, more than 2.4 million people have applied for 2,64,36,270 units of share for Manushi Laghubitta's IPO. As more applications were received than the demand, the shares were distributed at the rate of 10 units through round-robin as per the Securities Issuance and Distribution Directive of the SEBON. 

Accordingly, only 36 thousand 859 lucky people got 10 units of shares from the round-robin. Out of them, three people will get one more unit, i.e. 11 units of shares. Out of 23 lakh, 54 thousand 784 applicants in the IPO, 98.47 percent i.e. 23,17,925 of applicants did not get shares.

CARE Rating Nepal has given CARE NPB Plus Issuer rating to microfinance in the credit rating for IPO issuance. This indicates a high risk of not being able to meet financial obligations on time.

At present, the paid-up capital of Manusi Laghubitta is Rs. 70 million. After the IPO allotment, the paid-up capital of microfinance reached Rs. 109.37 million.

How to Check Manushi Laghubitta IPO Allotment (Result):

How to Check IPO result/allotment in Nepal. Learn the fastest and easiest way to check all companies' IPO results in Nepal. Follow a few steps to get an IPO result.

You have to follow the following instruction to fast check the IPO result of Manushi Laghubitta from the MeroShare (CDSC) website:

Step 1: Log on to

Step 2: You will see this type of interface on your device.

Step 3: Type your 16 digit BOID Number (Beneficial Owner Identification Number)

Step 4: Click on View Result Tab. 

Finally, you will get the result message on the interface.

(Note: The IPO result will be shown after the share allotment and upload data on the server)

Other Ways to Check IPO Result of Manushi Laghubitta:

1. MeroShare Official Website:

2. (Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited - NSMBL IPO result) IPO Result on NSMBL Website:

Detail Statement:

The IPO Issuing Company Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited
Issue Manager Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited (NSMBL)
Security Type Common Stock -IPO
IPO Issued Date 27th Shrawan 2078 to 31st Shrawan 2078
IPO Face Value Rs. 100
Total IPO Share 3,93,750 units
The share allocated for Mutual Investment (5%) 19,688 units
The Share allocated for employees (0.5%) 5,469 units
Total Share for Individual Investor (General Public = 94.5%) 3,68,593 units
Total Applicants 23,54,784
Total Applied Units 2,64,36,270
Total Allotted Kitta 368593 Kitta
Total Allottee 36859 applicants

Overview of Manushi Laghubitta:

Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (Nepali: मानुषी लघुवित्त वित्तिय संस्था लिमिटेड) was registered under the company act and got the "D" class bank license from Nepal Rastra Bank in Ashoj 25, 2075 B.S (2018 AD). It was established in 2002 as a microfinance (Laghubitta) program was commenced in the month of April 2002;  as a major program of Manushi which was established in 1991.

The program is fully guided by the principles such as reaching the poorest, supporting and empowering women, building financially self-sufficient institutions, and ensuring a positive and measurable impact on the lives of clients and their families.

IPO IPO Result

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