Manmohan Technical University Written Exam Result of Various Positions

Result 09 Feb 2024 4695

Manmohan Technical University

Manmohan Technical University Written Exam Result of Various Positions

The Manmohan Technical University Service Commission is pleased to announce the results of the written examination. This update serves as an essential guide for candidates who have successfully cleared the written exam and are moving forward to the next stages of the selection process: the practical examination and interview.

Next Steps for Selected Candidates

Selected candidates are required to participate in both the practical test and the subsequent interview. It's imperative to adhere to the scheduled date, time, and venue as outlined below. Failure to attend the practical test will result in disqualification from the interview phase.

Documentation and Preparation

  • Admit Card Requirement: Candidates must bring their admit card to the practical test and interview.
  • Personal Details Form: A form capturing personal details must be completed according to the provided format.
  • Certificates and Documents: Candidates should bring all original certificates and documents, submitting them to the designated officer at the Service Commission office one hour prior to their interview. Additionally, one copy of each document must be filed and submitted to the Service Commission.

Please note, the selection process will proceed as scheduled, even on public holidays.

Detailed Schedule and Venues

  • Practical Examination:

    • Location: Manmohan Technical University, Budhiganga 4, Morang
    • Date and Time: Starting from 2:00 PM on 2080/11/16
  • Interview:

    • Venue: Service Commission Office, Manmohan Technical University, Duhabi 4, Sunsari
    • Schedule:
      • Head Office Assistant Candidates: 8:00 AM on 2080/11/17
      • Chief Accounts Assistant and Library Assistant Candidates: Starting from 1:00 PM on 2080/11/17

Positions and Examination Dates

  1. Administration, General Administration (Open and Inclusive):

    • Position: Head Office Assistant
    • Level: Fifth
    • Written Exam Dates: 2080/05/15 and 16
    • Advertisement No.: 13-15/2079/080
  2. Administration, Accounts (Open):

    • Position: Chief Accounts Assistant
    • Level: V
    • Written Exam Dates: 2080/05/22 & 23
    • Advertisement No.: 16/2079/080
  3. Administration, Library (Open):

    • Position: Library Assistant
    • Level: V
    • Written Exam Dates: 2080/05/29 & 30
    • Advertisement No.: 17/2079/080

Attention to All Candidates

This notice marks a significant milestone in your journey with the Manmohan Technical University Service Commission. Ensure you're well-prepared for the upcoming practical examination and interview. This is a golden opportunity to advance your career in the public service sector. Best of luck to all participants!

Notice Reference: No. 007/2080/081 Date of Notice: 2080/10/25


Manmohan Technical University

Budhiganga, Morang

Estd. 2019



Courses Offered
