Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Pradesh (PPSC Lumbini Pradesh) Notice of Written Examination Results for Advertisement No. 52004-52006/2080-81, Engineering Service, Civil Group, Assistant Level, Fourth Level (Technical), Assistant Sub-Engineer Position
PPSC Lumbini Pradesh has published this notice to inform all concerned that the following candidates, listed by their roll numbers and names in alphabetical order, have been selected for an interview based on their performance in the written examination conducted under the local government service for the advertisements mentioned below.
Candidates selected for the interview must submit two passport-sized photos, all certificates verifying the minimum required qualifications, other necessary documents, and two copies of the first and third pages of the application form filled out online. Additionally, they must bring the original and two copies of these documents for verification and certification at the PPSC office at least seven (7) days before the interview date.
Failure to submit the required certificates and documents at any time will result in the cancellation of the application. Candidates selected for the interview must bring the aforementioned original documents and the admit card and be present at the PPSC office at least two (2) hours before the scheduled interview time. The interview will proceed as scheduled, even if the interview date falls on a public holiday.
Service, Group, Sub-group: Engineering, Civil
Level: Assistant Level, Fourth Level
Position: Assistant Sub-Engineer
Written Examination Conducted Date: 2081/02/25
The answer sheets of candidates with Roll Nos. 1783, 2131, 2695, 2859, 2861, 2867, 3628, 3935, 6466, 6489, 7341, 7371, 7374, 7488, and 7741 were canceled due to the omission of the "key" in their OMR answer sheets. The answer sheet of the candidate with Roll No. 2022 was canceled due to the marking of more than one "key."
Date of Publication: 2081/04/31, Notice No.: 31 / 2089-082