Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Kha Pa Sa Te Post
PPSC, Lumbini Pradesh (Lumbini Pradesh Public Service Commission) Notification: This notice is published to inform all concerned that among the candidates who appeared in the written examination conducted under the local government service by PPSC, Lumbini Pradesh, the candidates with the following roll numbers and names have been selected for the interview based on their merit.
Candidates selected for the interview in alphabetical order are required to bring two passport-sized photographs, all certificates verifying the minimum required qualifications, other necessary documents, and two copies each of the first and third pages of the application form filled out online, including a printout of the preview page of the online application. These documents must be submitted to this commission at least seven (7) days before the interview date, along with the original and two copies of each document for verification.
If the required minimum qualification certificates and other necessary documents are not provided, the application may be canceled at any time. Selected candidates must arrive at the specified location, date, and time for the interview with the original documents mentioned above and the admit card, at least two (2) hours before the interview time. Even if the interview date falls on a public holiday, the program will continue as scheduled.
Service, Group, Subgroup: Engineering, Civil, Sanitary
Level: Assistant Level Fourth
Position: Water Supply and Sanitation Technician
Written Exam Conducted Date: 2081/02/26