Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Final Result of 5th Level Assistant:
Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Pradesh, Butwal (Interview and Recommendation Branch) List of Merit of Recommended Candidates
Commission Advertisement No. ADM50001 / 2079-80 (Open), ADM50002 / 2079-80 (Women), ADM50003 / 2079-80 (Adivasi Janajati), ADM50004/2079-80 (Madhesi), ADM50005/2079-80 (Dalit), under the state civil service, administration service, revenue group, accounting group and general administration group, assistant level fifth level (non-technical), assistant or similar posts on the date 2080/06/30 based on the total score obtained by the candidates as follows As per the decision dated 2080/06/30, this notification has been published for the information of all concerned as the uniform qualification order has been maintained.
Notification No. 300 / 2080-81 Date: 2080/06/30