Lok Sewa Aayog Published Weekly Notices 2081 Falgun 21
Public Service Commission Notices, Central Office, Kamalpokhari, Information and Publication Section. Notice of Invitation for Application and Examination Program for Rajpatrakit Third Class (Non-Technical) Branch Officer or Equivalent Position in Nepal Administrative Service, Accounts Group with Position Number Modification
In the sequence of implementing the orders issued by the Respected High Court Patan in Writ No. 081-WO-1193, 081-WO-12352, 081-0-1299, the Commission has made a decision on 2081/11/19 to invite applications and determine the examination program for Nepal Administrative Service, Accounts Group with additional position numbers, for the previously suspended joint and integrated examination system, and for Rajpatrakit Third Class (Non-Technical) Branch or Officer or Equivalent Positions in Administrative Service, Audit Service, and Federal Parliament Service. This notice is published for the information of all concerned parties.
Details: a. Regarding Nepal Administrative Service, Accounts Group: Additional vacancies have been received from the Federal Affairs and General Administration Ministry. The existing applications will be maintained, and candidates can submit applications for the Accounts Group within:
35 days from the publication date for promotions through seniority and performance evaluation
21 days for open and inclusive category advertisements
Additional Positions in Original Advertisement for Nepal Administrative Service, Accounts Group
Notice No. 1075/081-82 (Publication Date: 2081/11/21)