Notice from Public Service Commission, Central Office, Kamalpokhari, Information and Publication Branch, Notice Regarding the Publication of First Phase Written Examination Results for Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or Equivalent Post under Integrated Examination.
Notice No.: 1111/2081-82 - Nayab Subba First Phase Exam Results Published
This notice has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the candidates selected for the second phase examination from the first phase written exam conducted under the integrated examination for the Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or equivalent post by various offices of the Commission on 2081.11.17.
Some candidates have not mentioned “Key” in their answer sheets. Their examination has been canceled.
Selected candidates must appear for the second phase examination using the same admit card and at the exam center designated by the same Commission office where they took the first phase exam.
Detailed results and further information related to the first phase examination can be obtained from the Commission's website at www.psc.gov.np, the notice board of the Commission, and concerned offices.
Examination Result Details:
Office | Advertisement No. | Result Published Date | Total Candidates | Selected for Second Phase | Exam Cancelled (No "Key" Mentioned) |
Public Service Commission, Dhankuta | 10001-10006/081-82 | 2081.12.4 | 4719 | 852 | 12 |
Public Service Commission, Janakpur (Jaleshwar) | 11301-11306/081-82 (Open and Inclusive) | 2081.12.5 | 7647 | 983 | 30 |
Public Service Commission, Pokhara | 12851-12856/081-82 (Open and Inclusive) | 2081.12.6 | 2933 | 710 | 3 |
Public Service Commission, Butwal | 13801-13805/081-82 (Open and Inclusive) | 2081.12.10 | 7376 | 1058 | 11 |
Public Service Commission, Surkhet | 14751-14754/081-82 (Open and Inclusive) | 2081.12.8 | 3387 | 373 | - |
Public Service Commission, Dipayal | 15701-15706/081-82 (Open and Inclusive) | 2081.12.9 | 3989 | 494 | 11 |
Examination Operations Section, Anamnagar, Notice Regarding Exam Cancellation of Candidates
Notice No..: 1099/081-82
As per the decision of the Commission dated 2081.12.7, the first phase written exam for the post of Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or equivalent, conducted on 2081.11.17 under Advertisement No. 15701-15706/2081-82 (Open and Inclusive) by the Public Service Commission, Dipayal Office, had accepted applications only under the Accounts group.
The following candidates who appeared in the exam have had their examinations canceled:
Roll No. 770638 – Priyanka Kumari Singh
Roll No. 770912 – Shanti Jagari
Roll No. 770193 – Mahesh Joshi
Roll No. 770952 – Sharada Kumari Joshi
This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.
For further details, visit: www.psc.gov.np