Lok Sewa Aayog Surkhet Published Kharidar Second Phase Written Exam Result 2081
Public Service Commission (PSC - Lok Sewa Aayog), Surkhet Office Advertisement No. 14758-14764/080-81 (Open/Inclusive), Notice of Publication of Written Examination Result for Various Services, Group Non-Gazetted, Second Class, Kharidar or Similar Posts
This notice is published for the information of all concerned that the candidates with the following roll numbers and names, surnames, in alphabetical order, have passed the written examination held in the following advertisement of Public Service Commission, Surkhet Office, Surkhet and have been selected for Computer Skill Test and Interview.
The selected candidates will have to appear for the interview at the following place, date, and time with two copies of passport-size photographs, 2/2 copies of all the certificates confirming the required minimum qualifications, and two copies of the first page of the application form, filled in and present 1 (one) hour before the specified time.
The program will continue to operate even if the computer skill test and interview day falls on a public holiday.
Service/Group: Combined and Integrated
Category: Non-Gazetted (Non-Technical)
Result Publishing Office: Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office.
Designation: Kharidar or similar
Date of Written Examination: 2081/03/14 and 15th
Notification No. 71/081-82 Date 2081/10/16