Written Results for Computer Operator Post, PSC (Lok Sewa Aayog) Pokhara Office
The Public Service Commission (PSC), Pokhara Office, has published the written examination results for the post of Computer Operator (Advertisement No.: 12965-12967/080-81 (Open and Inclusive), Miscellaneous Services, Non-Gazetted First Class). Candidates listed alphabetically by roll number have been selected for the interview.
Instructions for Selected Candidates
Candidates selected for the interview must report to the venue with the following documents:
Two recent passport-size photographs.
Original certificates along with two photocopies of each.
The first and second pages of the application form are filled in duplicate.
Admit card.
Note: Candidates must arrive at the venue one hour before the interview. If the interview date coincides with a public holiday, the interview will proceed as planned.
Key Information
Advertisement No.: 12965-12967/080-81 (Open and Inclusive)
Service/Group: Miscellaneous Services
Post: Computer Operator
Level/Category: Non-Gazetted First Class
Written Examination Date: 2081/02/04
Results Published By: Public Service Commission, Central Office
Interview Venue: Public Service Commission, Surkhet Office
Interview Dates and Times:
2081/08/16 to 2081/08/17
8:00 AM and 2:00 PM (Based on serial numbers 1-15, all candidates)