Lok Sewa Aayog Pokhara Written Exam Result ANM Post
Public Service Commission, Pokhara Office's Advertisement No. 12994-12996/080-81 (Open and Inclusive), Health Service, Public Health Nursing Group, Fourth Level, ANM Post Written Exam Result
This notice is published for the information that the following candidates, listed in alphabetical order by their roll numbers and names, have passed the written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission, Pokhara Office, under the following advertisements and have been selected for an interview.
The selected candidates must bring two passport-size photos, original and two copies of each certificate, and filled forms of the first and second pages of the application form, and be present with the admit card at the specified place, date, and time at least one hour before the scheduled time. The interview will proceed even if it falls on a public holiday.
Service, Group, Subgroup: Health, Public Health Nursing
Written Exam Date: 2081/3/9 (B.S.)
Position: ANM
Category/Level: Fourth
Result Publishing Office: Public Service Commission, Central Office.