Lok Sewa Aayog Pokhara Final Result and Sifaris of 5th Level Staff Nurse: Public Service Commission Pokhara Office Advertisement No. 12974-12979/077-78 (Open and Inclusive), Nepal Health Service, Nursing Group, General Nursing Subgroup, Fifth Level, Staff Nurse Candidate Recommendation and Overall Merit List
Nepal Health Service, Nursing Group, General Nursing Subgroup, 5th level, 60 (sixty) candidates selected for interview from the written test for the post of staff nurse post number 22 (twenty-two) conducted from 3-19-2079 to 24-24 Based on the total score of the 49 (fifty-nine) candidates who appeared in the interview including the written test and the average score of the interview; Since it was decided on the date 26-3-2079 that the following merit order will be maintained; This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Pokhara Sifaris