Lok Sewa Aayog Notices 2079 Falgun 3

Result 15 Feb 2023 5450

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Lok Sewa Aayog Notices 2079 Falgun 3: Notices of Public Service Commission (PSC) Information regarding the interview, Practical exam, and recommendations.

This notification is published for the information of all concerned as the following roll numbers and names, surnames have been selected for the computer skill test and interview in alphabetical order among the candidates who appeared in the written examination of the advertisement number, service, group, sub-group, category/level and post mentioned in the details of the Public Service Commission. has been done

It is hereby informed that the selected candidates should take 2 copies of their passport-size photo, 2/2 copies of certificates with duplicates, 2 copies of the first page, and 2 copies of the application form filled admit card and appear 1 (one) hour before the scheduled practical test and interview day. has been done.

If the day of the computer skill test and interview is a public holiday, the program will be conducted as usual.

Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office Advertisement No. 11301-11307.078-79 (Open and Inclusive), Judicial Service, Judge, Law and Public Advocate, Administrative Service, General Administration, Accounts, and Revenue. The candidates selected from the unregistered examination for the post of First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba, or similar posts are informed to attend the computer and skill test without admit card to be conducted at Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Jaleshwar at the time and place of Tapansal. . If there is no public announcement on the given day, the examination process will continue as usual.

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Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Sifaris

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


