Public Service Commission (PSC - Lok Sewa Aayog), Mahendranagar Office, Advertisement No. 16370-16375/079-80 (Open and Inclusive), Forest, National Park, and Wildlife Group, Non-Gazetted, Game Scout Post Written Exam Result
PSC Mahendranagar has published this notice to inform all concerned that the following candidates have passed the physical fitness test and the written examination for the advertised posts. The candidates listed by roll number and name in alphabetical order have been selected for the interview.
The selected candidates must appear for the interview at the specified location, date, and time. When attending the interview, they should bring two passport-sized photos, original certificates along with two photocopies each, and two copies of the first and second pages of the application form. Candidates are required to arrive one hour before the scheduled time with their admission card.
If the interview date falls on a public holiday, the interview will proceed as scheduled.
Service, Group, Sub-group: Forest, National Park, and Wildlife
Written Examination Date: 2081/01/19
Post: Game Scout
Category: Non-Gazetted
Result Publishing Office: Public Service Commission, Central Office
Notice No.: 264/081-82
Publication Date: 2081/05/12
Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Mahendranagar Written Exam Result