Lok Sewa Aayog Jaleshwor Written Exam Result of Computer Operator
Public Service Commission (PSC - Lok Sewa Aayog) Jaleshwor Office, the results for the post of Computer Operator have been released. This follows Advertisement No. 11406-11407/078/079, pertaining to the open and inclusive category under Miscellaneous Service. Here's what candidates need to know:
- Roll Numbers and Names: A list of successful candidates has been organized alphabetically for the convenience of all participants.
- Next Steps: Selected individuals are called for a practical examination and interview. Adequate preparation and punctuality are encouraged.
Documentation Requirements:
- Candidates must bring two passport size photographs.
- They are required to have two copies each of their certificates and original documents.
- Two copies of both the first and second pages of the application form must be presented.
- The admit card must be brought along and presented upon request.
Interview and Practical Test Details:
- Service Group: Miscellaneous
- Position: Computer Operator
- Level: Non-Gazetted First
- Written Examination Date: The examination was held on 2079/11/29.
- Results Published By: Public Service Commission, Central Office.
- Total Participants: 29 aspirants took the written examination.
- Candidates Selected for Practical Exam and Interview: 1
Location and Schedule:
- Venue: Public Service Commission Jaleshwor Office, Jaleshwor.
- Date & Time: Both the practical examination and interview are scheduled for 2080/8/12 at 11:00 a.m.
Additional Information:
- Advertisement Numbers: 11406-11407/078/079
- Categories: Open and Inclusive
- Vacancies: 2 (1 Open category, 1 Adivasi Janajati)
Notice No.: 448/080-81 Dated: 2080/7/18