Lok Sewa Aayog Hetauda Kharidar Post Final Result

Result 24 Jul 2023 5571

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Public Service Commission Hetaunda Office Announces Merit Order for Khardiar Post

The Public Service Commission (PSC) Hetaunda Office in Hetaunda, Makwanpur has made a significant announcement for those who have been eagerly awaiting updates about the Khardiar or similar positions. This notice, given the identifier no. 7/080-81, is relevant to various service groups. The official communication was delivered on the date of 2080/04/08, as per their records.

Advertisement Categories and Positions

The advertisements in question include nos. 12502/078-79 (Open), 12503/078-79 (Women), 12504/078-79 (Adivasi Janajati), and 12505/078-79 (Madhesi). They pertain to numerous services or groups, specifically non-gazetted second class Khardiar or similar roles.

Merit Order Based on Total Marks

The commission has followed a strict merit order, which has been determined based on the total marks secured by the candidates recommended for appointment. The appointment was scheduled for 2080/04/08 and pertains to the second category (non-technical), Khardiar, or related posts.

Merit List Announcement

The merit list, showcasing the total score accumulated by the candidates, is now live for all participants to view. This list includes those who have been selected for the interview after successfully passing the written test. The commission encourages candidates to review their results as soon as possible.

The result can be accessed through the commission's official website at www.psc.gov.np/advertise/advertise/user. The portal will remain open for the next seven days from the date of publication of this result.

Distribution of Recommendation Letters

An important note for all selected candidates, the PSC Hetaunda Office will distribute recommendation letters starting from 2080/04/09 after 4:00 PM. Candidates are advised to contact the office for further instructions on how to collect these letters.

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Kharidar Kharidar Result Hetauda Final Result

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


