Lok Sewa Aayog Final Result and Sifaris of Engineer Post 2081
Public Service Commission (PSC - Lok Sewa Aayog), Central Office Advertisement Numbers 17251-17257/080-81 (Open and Inclusive), Nepal Engineering Service, Civil Group, General/Highway/Sanitary/Irrigation/Hydropower Sub-Groups, Gazetted Third Class, Engineer Position - Notice Regarding Candidate Recommendation and Aggregate Merit Order.
This notice is published for the information of all concerned, based on the decision made on 2081/04/22, regarding the aggregate merit order of candidates recommended for appointment under the following advertisement numbers of the Public Service Commission: 17251/080-81 (Open), 17252/080-81 (Women), 17253/080-81 (Adivasi Janajati), 17254/080-81 (Madhesi), 17255/080-81 (Dalit), 17256/080-81 (Persons with Disabilities), and 17257/080-81 (Backward Areas). The recommendation was made for the position of Engineer in the Nepal Engineering Service, Civil Group, General/Highway/Sanitary/Irrigation/Hydropower Sub-Groups, Gazetted Third Class, on 2081/05/02, based on the total marks obtained by the candidates.
Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result PSC Sifaris Final Result