Lok Sewa Aayog Dipayal Written Exam Result of Radiographer
The Public Service Commission (PSC), Dipayal Office, has released an important notice regarding the interview process for candidates who have passed the written examination for the position of Radiographer. This follows Advertisement No. 15825/079-80 (Open) and pertains specifically to candidates within the Health Services, Radiography Group. Here are the key details and instructions for the selected candidates:
Selection Announcement:
- Roll Numbers and Surnames: Candidates who have passed and been selected for the interview are listed in alphabetical order. It's important to check if your roll number and surname are included in the selection list.
- Examination Reference: The selection is based on the written examination results from Advertisement No. 15825/079-80 (Open).
Document Submission and Interview Guidelines:
- Photographs: Two copies of a recent passport-size photograph are required.
- Certification Copies: Candidates must bring duplicates of their certificates, along with two copies each of the first and second pages of the application form.
- Timely Presence: Arrival at the interview venue one hour before the scheduled time is mandatory.
- Public Holiday Clause: The interview schedule will be adhered to even if the date falls on a public holiday.
Interview Details:
- Service Group: Health, specifically in the Radiography sector.
- Position: Radiographer.
- Level/Grade: Fifth Level Assistant.
- Written Examination Date: The written examination was conducted on 2080/05/18.
- Interview Location: Public Service Commission, Dipayal Office, Dipayal.
- Interview Date and Time: Scheduled for 2080/10/15 at 2:00 p.m.
Result Publishing Office: Public Service Commission, Central Office.