Lok Sewa Aayog Dipayal Office Final Result and Sifaris of AMIN: Public Service Commission, DEPAYAL Office, DEPAYAL Advertisement No. 12826-15827/077-78 (Open/Inclusive), Nepal Engineering Service, Survey Group, Non-Gazetted Second Grade, Recommended for the post of Amin
Advertisement No. 15826/077-70 (Open) of Public Service Commission Dept. Office Nepal Engineering Service, Survey Group, Non-Gazetted Second Category (Technical), Amin Post Demand for Post Number 3 (Three) 5 (Five) Selected for Interview through Written Examination ) Based on the results of the written test and the average score of the interview of the 5 (five) candidates present in the interview conducted on 2079-05-17, the merit order as follows has been maintained; Whereas a decision was made on date 2079-05-18 to recommend the office as per the list for permanent appointment; This notice is published for the information of all concerned.