Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office Notification No. 10126/077-78 (Adivasi Janajati), Miscellaneous Services, Recommended Alternative Candidates for the Post of Computer Operator
As per Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office Notification No. 10126/077-78 (Adivasi Janajati); Among the candidates who have been recommended for permanent appointment for the services, groups, and positions mentioned in the schedule and from the published merit order and recommendation notice No. 07/079-80, dated 2079-04-03; Whereas the following candidates have been promoted and appointed to the same post.
According to the decision dated 2079-04-20 2079-04-20 2079, the name of the candidate is removed from the original merit list and the following candidates are recommended for permanent appointment to the vacant position in the alternative merit list No. 1 of the same notice.
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