Lok Sewa Aayog Dhankuta Published AHW Written Exam Results
Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office Written Examination Results for Advertisement No. 10116/080-81 (Open), Health Service, Health Inspection Group, Fourth Level, AHW Position
The Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office, has published this notice to inform all concerned about the results of the written examination conducted for the above advertisement. The candidates listed below in alphabetical order, along with their roll numbers, have passed the written examination and are selected for the interview.
Important Instructions for Selected Candidates:
Candidates must attend the interview at the specified venue, date, and time.
Bring the following documents:
Two (2) recent passport-sized photographs.
Original certificates along with two (2) copies of each.
Filled application forms (first and second pages) in duplicate.
The admit card.
Candidates must arrive one hour before the scheduled time.
The interview will be conducted even if the scheduled date coincides with a public holiday.
Details of the Examination and Interview:
Service/Group/Subgroup: Health Service, Health Inspection
Written Examination Date: 2081/03/10 BS
Position: AHW
Category/Level: Fourth
Result Published by: Public Service Commission, Central Office
Advertisement No.: 10116/080-81 (Open)