Lok Sewa Aayog Dang Kharidar Post First Phase Written Exam Result

Result 03 Jun 2024 1516

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Lok Sewa Aayog Dang Kharidar Post First Phase Written Exam Result

Public Service Commission, Dang Office Advertisement No. 14402-14407/080-81 (Open/Inclusive), 3105 candidates appeared in the first stage of the written examination conducted by the Dang Office of the Commission for the post of Non-Gazetted Second Class (Non-Technical) Kharidar or equivalent post dated 01/29/2081 under the integrated examination. This notification has been published for the information of all the candidates who have been selected for the second stage examination with the following roll numbers and names and surnames according to the order of roll number.

1) Candidates who have been selected for the second stage examination are informed that they will be allowed to participate in the examination center designated by the relevant offices of the commission who have given the first stage examination from the previous admit card.

2) The details filled in the online application form by the respective candidate, whether the father or son of the selected candidate, are informed.

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Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Kharidar Kharidar Result Dang Written Exam Result

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


