Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Association Organizer

Result 28 Jul 2024 2709

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Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Association Organizer

Notice of Publication of Written Examination Results for Advertisement No. 42-44/2080-81 (Open/Inclusive), Provincial Engineering Service, Agri. Irrigation Engineering Group, Fourth Level, Association Organizer Post by the Provincial Public Service Commission, Koshi Province.

The Provincial Public Service Commission, Koshi Province, Birat Nepal, has published this notice for the information of all concerned regarding the results of the written examination conducted under the advertisement no. 42-44/2080-81 (Open/Inclusive) for the post of Association Organizer, Provincial Engineering Service, Agri. Irrigation Engineering Group, Fourth Level. This notice is published for the information of all concerned. The notice number is 09/081-82 dated 2081/04/12.

Among the candidates who appeared in the written examination under the Provincial Civil Service, the following candidates with the roll numbers and names listed in alphabetical order have passed and are selected for the interview.

The selected candidates are required to attend the interview on the specified date, time, and place with 2 copies of passport-sized photographs, Nepalese citizenship certificate, all necessary certificates proving the minimum required qualifications and other necessary documents along with 2/2 copies of each (self-attested) and the admission card. Candidates must arrive at the venue at least 1 hour before the scheduled time for verification.

If it is found that the required minimum qualification certificates and other necessary documents are not submitted, the application will be canceled at any time. The program will continue as scheduled even if a public holiday falls on the interview day.

Service, Group, Sub-group: Provincial Engineering, Agri. Irrigation Engineering

Position: Association Organizer

Level: Assistant Level Fourth

Interview Program Date, Time, and Place:

  • Date: 2081/04/27
  • Place: Provincial Public Service Commission, Koshi Province, Biratnagar.
  • Interview Time: 11:00 AM

Note: According to the advertisement no. 43/080-81 (Adivasi Janajati) and 44/080-81 (Female), no candidates have been selected as none of the candidates obtained the passing marks as per the curriculum.

For further information, contact the Written Examination Operation Branch at 071-531484.

Koshi Pradesh PPSC Written Exam Result

Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Biratnagar, Biratnagar

Estd. 2020


