Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Assistant Veterinarian

Result 09 Mar 2023 2420

Pradesh 1 Lok Sewa Aayog Notices

Province Public Commission, Koshi Province announces result of written examination for the Assistant Veterinarian post

The Province Public Commission, Koshi Province, Biratnagar, Nepal has published a notice regarding the result of the written examination conducted under Local Government Service for the post of Assistant Veterinarian.

Details of the selected candidates

Out of the total 30 participants who appeared for the written test on 29th and 30th September 2079, five candidates have been selected for the Group Test and Interview. The selection has been done based on their roll number and name, surname in alphabetical order.

Important information for selected candidates

Selected candidates need to bring two copies of their passport size photo, Nepali citizenship certificate, and educational qualification certificate along with two copies of the same while appearing for the Group Test and Interview.

The Group Test and Interview will be held on the date, time, and place mentioned in the notice. Candidates should carry their admission letter and be present one hour before the scheduled time.

Even if the day of the interview falls on a public holiday, the program will continue as usual.

Advertisement details

The advertisement number for the Assistant Veterinarian post is 4/079-80, and it falls under the Agriculture and Veterinary group. The post is of Officer Level Six, and there are three demand post numbers. It is an open type post.

Biratnagar Koshi Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog PPSC

Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Biratnagar, Biratnagar

Estd. 2020


