Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Technical Officer (Education)
Notice Regarding the Publication of Results of the First Stage Written Examination for the Post of Officer, Seventh Level (Technical), Education Service, Education Administration Group, Advertisement No. 555/2079-080 (Open) by the Provincial Public Service Commission, Karnali Province, Birendranagar, Surkhet
This notice is published for the information of all concerned regarding the candidates who have been selected for the second stage of the examination from the first stage written examination conducted on 2081/04/05 for the post of Officer, Seventh Level (Technical), Education Service, Education Administration Group under Advertisement No. 555/2079-080 (Open) by the Provincial Public Service Commission, Karnali Province, Birendranagar, Surkhet. Among the total of 830 candidates who appeared for the first stage written examination, the candidates with the following roll numbers and surnames have been selected for the second stage examination.
Further Details:
- Candidates who have passed the first stage examination and have been selected for the second stage examination must participate in the examination center based on the admission card submitted in the previous online application system.
- The names of the candidates, their fathers' and grandfathers' names have been published as per the candidates' records.
Notice No.: 22
Date: 2081/04/20
Karnali Pradesh PPSC Karnali Written Exam Result