Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of KhaPaSaTe
Province Public Service Commission, Karnali Province (PPSC Karnali Pradesh / Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog), Birendranagar, Surkhet Notification of Written Examination Results Published
This notification is published to inform all concerned that among the candidates who appeared in the written examination for the following advertisement of the Province Public Service Commission, Karnali Province, Birendranagar, Surkhet, the candidates listed below have passed and been selected for the interview.
The candidates selected for the interview must present themselves at the Commission's office with the required documents a day before the interview date during office hours.
The documents include two passport-sized photographs, two copies of all the original certificates along with their photocopies, two copies of the first page of the application form, and one copy of the third page of the application form, along with the admit card.
Candidates must bring their original Nepali citizenship certificate, original educational qualification certificates, and the admit card on the day of the interview.
They must arrive at the office at least one hour before the interview time. The interview schedule will remain unchanged even if a public holiday falls on the interview day.
- Advertisement No.: 525/2080-81
- Service: Engineering
- Group: Civil
- Sub-Group: Sanitary
- Written Examination Date: 2081/02/15
- Position: Drinking Water and Sanitation Technician
- Level: Fourth
Contact Information:
- Telephone Number: 083-590300, 083-590301
- Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Notice No.: 61, Date: 2081/05/04