Results of the AMIN Written Examination Announced by Karnali Pradesh Public Service Commission
Karnali Pradesh Public Service Commission, located in Birendranagar, Surkhet, has recently declared the results of the AMIN written examination. Candidates who had appeared for this test can now check their performance and know if they've made it through the next round - the interview.
Overview of the AMIN Examination Results
- Position: Amin
- Services: Engineering
- Level: 4th Level Assistant
- Group: Survey
- Advertisement Number: 638-639/079/080
- Examination Type: Open
- Required Position Number: 2
- Total Participants in the Written Examination: 268
- Candidates Selected for Interview: 6
- Date of Written Examination: 2080/01/28
- Written Examination Result Published Date: 2080/04/09
- Interview Date and Time: 2080/04/25, 8:00 AM
Location for Upcoming Interview
All shortlisted candidates are to appear for their interview at the Karnali Pradesh Public Service Commission's office in Birendranagar, Surkhet.
Important Instructions for Interview Process
Selected candidates are advised to present themselves at the commission's office a day before the scheduled interview date. They are required to bring along:
- Two copies of passport certificates
- Two copies of the first page of the application form
- One copy of the third page of the application form
- Nepali citizenship proof
- Complete certificates of educational qualification
- Admit card for the interview
Please note that even if the interview day coincides with a public holiday, the interview will proceed as scheduled.
Photograph Submission
Candidates must also submit two recent photographs at the office an hour before the scheduled interview time.