Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Final Result and Recommendation Notice

Result 16 Feb 2025 1895

Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Banner notice

Employee Provident Fund Final Result and Recommendation Notice

Vacant positions in the Employee Provident Fund (EPF - Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh) for the advertisement numbers, services, and levels specified below will be filled through open/inclusive competitive examinations. The Public Service Commission conducted a written examination, and based on its results, candidates were selected for interviews. Based on the total of the written examination scores and the interview scores of the candidates who attended the interview conducted by the Fund, the candidates recommended for permanent appointment following the established merit order are hereby informed that they must contact the Fund's Human Resource Management Department, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, with a certificate of good health certified by a doctor approved by the Government of Nepal within twenty-one days from the date this notice is published.

If contact is not made within the specified period, please be informed that a penalty will be imposed per the provisions of the Employee Provident Fund, Employee Service Conditions Rules, 2078.

Recommendation Notice: The details published on the Fund's website (www.epf.org.np) and the Fund's notice board are hereby conveyed to all concerned.

Serial No. / Advertisement No.:

  1. Advertisement No. 18/080-81

    • Position, Level: Senior Manager, Ninth

    • Service/Group: Administration / Administration

    • Category: Female

  2. Advertisement No. 19/080-81

    • Position, Level: Manager, Eighth

    • Service/Group: Administration / Administration

    • Category: Indigenous/Janajati

  3. Advertisement No. 20/080-81

    • Position, Level: Deputy Manager, Seventh

    • Service/Group: Administration / Administration

    • Category: Open

  4. Advertisement No. 21-24/080-81

    • Position, Level: Assistant Manager, Sixth

    • Service/Group: Administration / Administration

    • Category: Open and Inclusive

  5. Advertisement No. 25/080-81

    • Position, Level: Assistant Manager (Law), Sixth

    • Service/Group: Administration / Law

    • Category: Open

  6. Advertisement No. 26/080-81

    • Position, Level: Assistant Manager (System), Sixth

    • Service/Group: Technical / Information Technology, Female

Recruitment Committee
Employee Provident Fund
Pulchowk, Lalitpur
Contact No.: 01-5010172

Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Final Result and Recommendation Notice 2081

Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Final Result and Recommendation Notice

Sifaris Final Result

Services Offered
